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  • We believe that the key thing is to promote our core competitiveness and industrial position through constant improvement of management performance. In the meantime, in order to better reward shareholders, we make every effort to increase market value by taking a series of lawful measures. Thank you.

  • We have been implementing resource integration in pharmaceutical industry for over ten years, and in the future, we will focus our effort on three major business sectors, namely, traditional pharmaceutical excipients, new-type starch capsules and new- type pharmaceutical excipients such as trioctylcitrate. We aim to continuously innovate to make contribution to Chinas pharmaceutical excipient industry.

  • 您好,公司淀粉胶囊具有如下优点:

    ① 安全无毒


    ② 无交联反应


    ③ 无化学添加


    ④ 稳定性高


    ⑤ 原材料充足 


  • 您好,感谢您的关注。

    ① 胶囊市场容量大,有利淀粉植物胶囊快速增长


    ② 淀粉植物胶囊受众更广



    ③ 胶囊未来应用领域将会进一步扩展空间


  • Citrate refers to a series of products which mainly uses citric acid as basic raw material such as tributylcitrate, trioctyl citrate, and trioctylcitrate and so on. As a new type of safe and green pharmaceutical exipients, it can be widely used in food, pharmaceuticals, beverage, and drug/food packing material as an alternative to benzene plasticizer. Currently, all the countries in the world are encouraging the use of safe plasticizer, since EU has prohibited using benzene plasticizer in food and pharmaceutical industries. Globally, the annual demand for plasticizer is expected to hit 180 million MT per year, which is about 200 billion US dollars in value.